Monday, May 13, 2013

Fifth Grade in '13-'14: Honor

***Mid-year assessment notes added January 2014***

    Fifth grade seems awfully big. Honor is chomping at the bit to get into his new materials as they come through the door. He's going to have a great year! Here's his curricula plan.

  • Grammar - Rod and Staff English 5
  • Spelling - Rod and Staff's Spelling by Sound and Structure 5
  • Composition - Wordsmith Apprentice - I hemmed and hawed about this. He really enjoyed the samples. We'll do a combo of homemade and WA. Maybe some Killgallon books later in the year.
  •  Literature - For Narnia!!! Honor will be combined with Grace in Further Up and Further In from Cadron Creek. The Chronicles of Narnia will be the spine for their literature study throughout the year. I can't wait! He will do some of the more advanced literature study and readings on Lewis; we'll pick and choose as we go. More Narnia details in this post.
  • Language - Latin for Children, at his own speed
  • Math - Horizons 5b, and into 6, Life of Fred prealgebra, Challenge Math (only the first one gets done daily, the others are supplementary extras to be done in little bites, I don't schedule them)
  • Logic - Mind Benders, Word Benders, Visual Mind Benders, Logic Liftoff, Orbiting with Logic, random puzzles (He's already put a dent into working through these)
  • History - Old Testament and Ancient Egypt from Veritas Press - He'll be combined with Grace and be using the same booklist.
  • Science - Architecture - Homemade architecture study, based on the Building Big! book and DVDs by David Macaulay. We'll cover bridges, domes, skyscrapers, dams and tunnels, learning about famous structures around the world and why they work. Of course that means we'll have to build our own structures and test our own hypotheses! I've added project books from Kaleidoscope Kids, National Geographic and NOVA DVDs, books on structures around the world, a book on drawing various buildings, some other David Macaulay book/DVD combos (Cathedral, Pyramid, etc), random construction kits, Citiblocs, and anything else I could find to flesh this out for him. When this is over we'll get into some technical drawing and introductory drafting
  • Bible - The Family Guide to Narnia by Ditchfield, Training Hearts Teaching Minds by Starr Meade, and he reads a chapter of his NIV daily
  • Geography - Mingled with architecture for first semester, Beautiful Feet's Geography Through Literature guide for second semester (We won't push to finish this in one semester. What we don't finish can be done in the summer or next school year.)
  • Extra - his final year as a Cub Scout, promoting to Boy Scouts with his Arrow of Light in February, and doo-wop/WWII era dance
***Mid-year assessment***
  • Rod and Staff English - He doesn't love or dislike this book, and it gets the job done. No complaints.
  • Rod and Staff Spelling - No complaints. This is the only subject he lags a little behind in, but he makes steady progress.
  • Wordsmith Apprentice - Honor says, "Awesome!" This is a fabulous fit for him and I couldn't be happier with it.
  • Narnia literature - Awesome! No complaints. We've slacked on the reading lately, and worked out a plan to get it back on track.
  • Latin for Children - Steady Progress. No complaints. Since it's not really a just do what's next book he'd like a clearer schedule. I can do that. 
  • Horizons math - Going strong. No complaints. He's happy and thriving.
  • Old Testament Ancient Egypt - same notes as Grace. We blazed through the Bible portions he already knew so well, and he'll start New Testament Greece and Rome next week.
  • Homemade architecture course - The highlight of his year! He gets sooo excited to construct a truss bridge and explain how different frames work in skyscrapers. WIN.
  • Bible has gone well. No problems or complaints.
  • Geography fell by the wayside. Summer or next year.

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